Healthcare Analytics : From Data To Knowledge To Healthcare Improvement

Healthcare Analytics : From Data To Knowledge To Healthcare Improvement

Pages: 688

Publisher: Wiley

Year of Publication: 2016

Author(s) : Hui Yang and Eva K. Lee

Book Description:

With a focus on cutting-edge approaches to the quickly growing field of healthcare, Healthcare Analytics: From Data to Knowledge to Healthcare Improvement provides an integrated and comprehensive treatment on recent research advancements in data-driven healthcare analytics in an effort to provide more personalized and efficient healthcare services. Emphasizing data and healthcare analytics from an operational management and statistical perspective, the book details how analytical methods and tools can be utilized to enhance care quality and operational efficiency. Organized into two main sections, Part One features biomedical and health informatics and specifically addresses the analytics of genomic and proteomic data; physiological signals from patient monitoring systems; data uncertainty in clinical laboratory tests; predictive modelling; disease modelling for sepsis; and the design of cyber infrastructures for early prediction of epidemic events. Part Two focuses on healthcare delivery systems, including system advances for transforming clinic workflow and patient care; macro analysis of patient flow distribution; intensive care units; primary care; demand and resource allocation; mathematical models for predicting patient readmission and postoperative outcome; physician-patient interactions; insurance claims; and the role of social media in healthcare. Healthcare Analytics: From Data to Knowledge to Healthcare Improvement also features contributions from well-known international experts who shed light on new approaches in this growing area as well as discussions on contemporary methods and techniques to address the handling of rich and large-scale healthcare data, including the overall optimization of healthcare system operations.
